The New Place

I'd like to take a moment to thank the universe for putting me in this current life situation. A place and time where I'm not too sure what I'm doing but I am comfortable in the process of figuring that all out. I was blessed enough to be granted with a home and a job straight away before arriving back in Australia and both have proved to be of great benefit. Our house is a stopover - where people are in and out, friends from out of town visit and bring puppies and the social branches of association triple in one afternoon beer session. It's a perfect location, an easy, chill vibe, and there's not one sense of "share house" vibes that I have experienced in other places. We're grown ups here who sometimes have a lot to drink and giggle like school girls and that's all okay because the next day I head to work with a smile on my face.

Oh, and people bring over their dergs heaps.

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