Paid debts

I'm slowly coming around to the understanding of what it means when Jesus paid the debt for our sins.

You see - He made and is the owner of us. But in the autonomy that we're granted, we allow ourselves to make poor business decisions regarding our hearts.

When I realised I had made a bad business decision, I thought "a little piece of me was gone forever" - as if the whole package that was me had depreciated in value. Little did I know God's in the business of bailing us out of debts and retrieving our goods though we think they're forever gone. His son came to this earth to seek to restore our hearts to their rightful owner - to Himself. All it takes is a first step acknowledgment that we need His services, that we cannot avoid bankruptcy without Him.

And as He retrieves my heart piece by piece, I learn to trust Him more and more. So that He makes the business decisions with my heart, and not I.

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