
My strength is not born purely of me.
I remember a year ago, and for years before that, that I had felt independent and capable. Strong, courageous, confident.

But when my strength was shattered by my God - when He, the Potter, sought to reshape me I suddenly became totally reliant on the gentle touch of His hands lest I flop like clay. I saw that He had winked so many times for my ignorance that you could maybe say God had a nervous disorder. And now no longer was I ignorant. I now knew exactly what He has planned for me in light of eternity. My prior strength was only in short term successes and adventures. Long term I was lost - and both He and I knew it.

But I refuse to be an ostrich with my head in the sand. That was the excuse of someone important that I lost through this metamorphosis process and I couldn't hang back any longer. That day I flew. My strength came back. But it was no longer my strength but the strength of Christ who lives in me. We're kinda time sharing at the moment, I'm still working on the "ALL to Jesus I surrender ALL to Him I freely give" part of this journey.

But I had a realisation tonight, reflecting on my experience this past year. If you just give it all to God, anything that you need He'll give back. Or you may get an improved version of what it is you had. I gave God my life - He gave me a healing family, a faith-driven career option, and a willingness to love people so deeply that it will sometimes hurt. But most importantly, by giving Him my life, I get His life - the eternal life in comparison to mine which would have ended in death. I don't know about you, but THAT IS PRETTY DARN GOOD for a gift. I'd swap lunch with God any day.

I urge my friends - honestly and deeply study the story of Christ's life, death and resurrection and you'll come to know that this experience is a real and true one. God is real, but more importantly, God is Love. And I just wanna share that with each and every one of you.

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