It is so good to see you

Sometimes I wish I could record our conversations and play them over and over again. To imagine your hands gripping your hair and your fingers grooving through the tangles as I wait for your reaction after I make some profoundly stupid yet stupidly profound statement. There's this sliding from a sigh into a smile that takes place on your face and it just tells me something about us. That you and I are polar opposites yet yearning for the same soul. Our cultures are mingling but distant, yet here you are identifying and seeping deep through the walls of my heart with your empathy. The phrase "it is so good to see you" is exchanged endlessly and with all its robust meaning. The truth of that statement dances quietly into my brain throughout these conversations and so in a brief moment of silence I say it again. I met you not so long ago, but there is eternity ahead of us and I enjoy without restraint the idea of us saying this back and forth forevermore. It is so good to see you.

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