A Year Ago

A year ago I was flippant, frivolous. But I was also fault-ridden and fatherless.

And then in a whirlwind event, both my Heavenly father and my dad gained entrance back into my life.

I'm sitting here now as the wind howls outside crying with joy because today I am having lunch with my dad. This is not something I would have done a year ago. And it's something I haven't willed to do since I was sixteen years old.

You see, we're bound to go through things. But sometimes we act in an attempt to "protect ourselves" and end up harming ourselves. It took nothing short of a miracle to get me to see how harmed, how faulty and how hurt I was - and that it was me instigating a lot of it.

I'm watching the continual providence and miracles happening in my family's life right now and I can only say one thing: let go, and let God.

That's kinda it, really.

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