Quiet Please In The Frontal Lobe

I'm sitting in my car by the beach I grew up swimming at religiously after school with my mum. My notebook is pressed up against the sensitive horn on the steering wheel and I'm wondering when a loud noise will emit, sending the two old diddery people putting their stuff into the boot of the car in front of me soaring high into the sky from fright.

That long sentence says a lot but it only begins to explain my state of mind. I've been everywhere today - for a run along Lighthouse Beach that turned into a full-fledged adventure up to the lighthouse and down to the next little rocky bay hiding away the loveliest of sights and wonders. My own Moonrise Kingdom.

The whole time I was thinking to myself "I want to share this."

I don't know whether it's because I've become slightly uncomfortable in my own company of late, or more so because in that absence of people, my mind has become incorrigibly vocal as of late.
And whilst I think of this, there's a mandarin peel drying out on the dashboard and the mist of the salty sea breeze floating around my car, trying to be inconspicuous, but I am aware of it all the same.

I'm aware of everything and it's disturbing me. Mind, just let me run along a beach and soak in it's goodness.

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