Life Isn't Easy

I spend a lot of time with a friend of mine and we don't see eye to eye on a few things which makes our friendship all the more exciting and real. The constant challenge to check yourself and evaluate your thoughts and ideas is welcomed - it's refreshing. 

We bumped into each other this evening whilst I was out on a walk (I was actually climbing the rocks along the river, most likely with my dress blowing up over my head which unfortunately most likely resulted in give or take a few flashes). As we walked the rain came over and rather than run for cover, we kept walking and talking.

I had just prior finished watching a family with young children play down at the beach on an overcast day, thinking to myself (and saying to God) "what happened to us as adults to believe that the colour of the sky or the moistness of the earth should dictate whether we enjoy the splendour of God's creation?" Children have no concept of what "appropriate" or "inappropriate" weather for adventure is, and I came to the re-realisation this afternoon that I could adopt the same attitude to the wonder of it all. 

Applying this logic and discovery straight away, we slowly made my way to my car where in the back seat lay a bag of fresh garden pea pods. We stood beneath a tree munching on peas and being Children of God. As the sky got darker and the pedestrians and traffic less and less, we wandered back to my car and watched rain droplets make paths down the windows beside us, glistening with the warm glow of the street lights above. 

"Life isn't easy," he spoke - the car windscreen slowly building a fog where I began to trace words and scribbles. 
With no trepidation or delay I agreed with his statement, my face fixated on the designs before me.

He took my immediacy and aloof glance to mean that I was not really listening. 
Going on, he expressed that I probably didn't understand. That my faith equated to life being easy, breezy, and that everything was laid back. 

On the inside, a cracking laugh that only someone like Cardi B or Brenda from Scary Movie could achieve emanated from me. On the outside, I warmly smiled.

"My mum has cancer," I softly replied. 
"I know."
"Having a mum with cancer isn't easy. But I sure as hell don't know how I'd manage the way I am now without God. I know life's difficulties make us into the people we're meant to be if we let them."

I was surprised by his statement that I was just so chill about everything. I would agree, that there are days where that is the case. There's also days I come home after prayer for my mother's healing to see the very same woman in the depths of anxiety and I cry out internally for God to take this cup from me. 

But had the Father taken the cup from Jesus, I would be a sinner without a Saviour. I would have no hope for the eternal glory of spending forever with my Maker. I take of the cup, and I look to the cross knowing that because He did, I can. 

I choose daily to take claim of the title "Child of God" and adopt a child-like attitude to life's joys and disappointments, to the victories and hurdles. An attitude of curiosity. Of honesty. Of real, raw emotion. I choose daily to let God be the grown up and to walk by His side, in His shadow, and with the assurance that in those days where life just ain't easy, He's already made a way.

Through rain or sunshine, the beach is the beach.
Through rain or sunshine, adventures with friends are adventures with friends.
Through rain or sunshine, God's presence is guaranteed.

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