Like a river in my soul

There is a deep content in my heart. It came with the riveting breeze of this Sunday afternoon, throwing my hair and pants into a billowing frenzy. It came with the smile of utter joy that proceeded. It came with the stroll along the canal with a friend - laughing, back-and-forthing, bantering, and sharing our thoughts, our wisdom, and joyfulness. It came with food that had been blessed in prayer. It came with the image of a tall burly man in a pair of cut-off overalls. It came with rooftop views of the city - a moment of seeing where the sun touched the tops of buildings, and the skin on our faces. It came with seeing old friends and meeting new. It came with leftover patty in my handbag on the way home. It came with rediscovering God in each moment.

It comes and it continues to grow. I have peace live a river in my soul.

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