I Once Was Lost: The Amazing Grace Personified

We have to lose ourselves to find ourselves. And I don't mean that in a road trip/travel kind of way. I mean it in a give your life up for God to give you life kind of way. I regarded myself as funky, spunky, sassy and positive as a person before God interrupted months ago and said "you know what, Girl? You know nothing. You can experience and radiate vivacity much more than you are. You can be absolutely and unequivocally alive - trust me, I am the the giver of life. Get ready, baby girl. I am gonna completely redefine your understanding of life, love and eternal joy."

And now here I am on a bus back to London after visiting Leeds and some serious honeys this weekend, grinning from ear to ear like an absolute sodding idiot knowing He is doing the same because joy is contagious. He has my whole journey planned out for me - even before my parents decided they'd let me join the world. He knew I'd be here in this moment staring at the future without fear and with open arms. He knew I would come to be so unashamed of His love and just sense it as an absolute necessity of life to share it with others - as if the only way I could survive each day was spreading the word of the Word, likening this to the necessity of daily food, and the air I breathe.

So God. Jehovah. Yahweh. I am. Lord of Lords. You did a good thing. You do all good things. Thanks for showing your character and unfailing love by saying "where divinity and humanity meet, there lies perfect joy and love. I can't wait, Ruth, for us to work together. I couldn't wait any longer and that's why I asked you back when I did."

God, please I pray that you now, through me if necessary, gently woo and beckon with excitement and glee the people close to me, and those close to them, and those close to those people. Let your love domino effect through humanity. Knock over our resentments and demolish our fears. Make yourself known without the ability for any of us to say "I did not know."

Because more than anything you want us to know.

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