The Last Month

The last month has been a blur. I'm pretty sure I've cried whilst obtaining RSI from writing an essay on the post-colonial rights of indigenous peoples of Vanuatu, I've gone from social seclusion to social inclusion to social suicide in a matter of days, been riling off the phrase "equitable dispositions and the requirement of writing" in my head over and over again, shaking silly from drinking too much coffee and traversing the country just to find a good place to clear my head and focus on study.

And now I'm here. Another semester over. I'm completely frothing, of course. Because after almost two years of having not done exams or studied law, I could get through that - and the sheer amount of work as well ! Not just one course a year - but four. And I have my friend Holly, my uni buddy, there by my side to celebrate with after putting up with my chronic mood swings and table flipping throughout semester. I could not be more chuffed with having her in my life.

Yesterday was the first day of freedom. And we spent the morning going for a short run around the city before melting on the pavement in the 39 degree heat. After Holly left for work, I fanged around the garden and the house doing gardening, weeding, sweeping, vacuuming, dancing around to Elvis and honouring my soul's intentions by clearing the mess of the past semester from my surroundings and my mind. After a sneaky snooze on my bed, I met Holly for coffee in the mall and she had a bunch of roses for me. It made me feel loved and appreciated. We walked back to my house and put together a bicycle that I had one through Yen Magazine's competition thanks to Reid Cycles. Because I already have a nice bicycle, I decided to give it to Holly so we could form a posse. With Holly's sister Gemma to my left, and Holly on my right, we form "The Bike Slutz" and we are relentless gangstaz, fanging it along the foreshore in a triangle formation at all times. I'm pretty sure we're getting leather vests with an embroidered crest. I'm so adamant about making this summer cruising crew a thing. It's gonna be off the bloody chain.

Gemma and Michael rocked up with ginger beers and whilst Michael helped out with assembling the bike, Gemma showed off her butt-munched pair of swimmers (butt floss, really, they are actually so tiny). After finally assembling "Fang" (that's the bike's name, because we be fangin'), the four of us took takeaway Thai to Bar Beach and sat along the picnic tables beside the ocean eating more hair than food due to the wind. A pair of tiny sausage dogs played around a couple of tables up and so Holly and I naturally went and made friends. It was after that, walking down onto the beach, that I realised that I was free. The anti-climax of university finishing for the semester the day prior had me a bit disappointed. But yesterday, the breeze and the weather and the company had me floating frivolously along without a care in the world. After getting home, I decided a bit later to go for a bike ride to Wickham where a couple of friends were celebrating completing their Masters in Architecture and so I peddled against the wind there and back home with my dress covering my eyes most of the way. You're so welcome, traffic of Newcastle, for that display. You're sooooooooooo welcome.

So, welcome summer. Welcome to Newcastle. Welcome to my thoughts and my doings. You're welcome to stay, or go, or do whatever. Because I, for the first time in a while, am unrestricted from work or worries and I look forward to a hell of a lot of watermelon eating and bike riding with your presence.

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