I'd just like to say thank you.

I've gone absolutely loopy this past month. Only 4 weeks into university and the pressure has sent me looking forward to bed time and unable to watch shit TV shows because I have no time.

So I'd like to throw a couple of thank yous out. Firstly, to coffee. Thank you. 

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To the small amounts of sunshine that have pierced the cloudy sky and hit my pasty white skin on my way to work or to university - thank you. 

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To this freak of nature. She convinced me to join a gym. It's now a form of procrastination. That is completely whack. Obscene. Disturbing. And great. She's also just there to twerk parkour around Newcastle with me when we both have a sliver of time off from out other life commitments. She's a sweet ass lass.

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And to this little city - you have so many outlets for enjoyment and I really enjoy living in you. Thank you. 

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