The Spectrum of His Will

Sometimes the concept of God is quite confusing. Not because He necessarily made it so - He is, after all, the opposite of the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). But I think sometimes we over and under analyse God as a concept, and in the midst of this we fail to see His perfect personhood. His companionship. His raw and real drive to lead us into life and life abundant. We want to know God's will, but we're reluctant to just know Him.

I got to the situation where I just wanted so desperately to know God's will for my life - even the next week! Moving countries, moving towns, moving houses, moving jobs, shuffling degrees. The last year has been tumultuous and I have been left with the realisation that I don't want to waste time with my own will, when I am acknowledging the love of God is so real, so perfect, that His will for me is sufficient.

But here I was asking again: What is His will for me?

The issue that arose from this question has over the last couple of months caused me great distress. It is that I - Ruth Hodge, previous title holder of vivacious, serendipitous, adventurous and frivolous queen of all time - was now so lost, so indecisive, so scared to just go with something and jump after careful prayer and deliberation. 

Well it was the kind words of my pastor yesterday that made me jump. He said to me "we try to fit God into a box. But we should see God on a spectrum, and His will lies across that spectrum."

You see, whilst the path is strait and narrow, God's will isn't. He created us in His image - gave us the power and authority to think creatively, to pursue different paths, but to always remember to cling to His hand or return when we've left His comforting grasp. He just wants to be so involved in our lives, and for us to be so involved in Him, that the rest flows without our worry or stress. And so I learnt that I had to just make a decision. And stick with it. Fear dribbles in occasionally, but God will provide. He always does. And He knows the intentions of my heart for the decisions I have made are as pure as I can currently conceive them to be. 

I am looking forward to how Jesus Christ encourages me daily to put my trust in Him and to take the leaps of faith that it is in my best interest to take. To not settle for the unsettled experience of limbo. To make the change that I want to see in my life, and to be that change. 

God's will for your life - it's on a spectrum. It's in harmony with the uniqueness that God gave you before you were even born. He said "the kingdom of heaven would not be complete without you in it," and He's certainly not one to expect immediate understanding and full compliance out of fear with His plans for you. He's just wanting our time and our heart, and the process of all that is yolked with the goodness of the relationship with have with Him.

God's plan for you is simple: for you to know and enjoy Him. The rest is all intrinsically linked to that simple reason for your existence. 

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