I see you

You were astonished when you found that I had listened. 
Well isn't it said that we all want to be heard? 
You were apparently so well known by others, 
but their only aim was to be well known 
for knowing you. 
To be hinged 
off your quiet effervescence. 
To fawn over your charm, 
but not to fall with you 
into the arms of God. 
To belittle you to a stepping block for their own social success, 
to find completion in having you present. 
All the while 
your phone buzzes incessantly 
and it's hollow drone and murmurs 
echo across the bed side table. 
You're expected to dinner 
despite feeling thousands of miles away. 
Thousands want something from you. 
But as you let your hand 
slip away from the cool wood of the table 
in that summer night heat, 
resisting the nagging of technology, 
the One that wants you - 
YOU - 
quietly beckons. 
"You're being sought" 
He empathises. 
come to me all who are weary and burdened - 
with the exhaustion of people taking without giving, 
with the perpetual sense of being used, 
with the desire yet to serve them 
because your nature so recognises service as of good report - 
come to me 
and I will give you rest." 
Your life must follow the path of the saviour - 
retreating to rest in God. 
Retreating to the quiet. 
And retreating to a commonality, 
a reciprocal relationship 
that only those so deeply entrenched in the character of God will ever afford you. 
Do not lose your capacity to serve 
because you think you're serving everyone. 
I'm listening.
I'm recognising this 
you're drifting 
I'm seeing you 
as a child of God, 
a fearfully 
and wonderfully made 
result of love. 
You're not a token 
of anyone's success. 
You are cherished by your creator. 
A son. A man. 
A woman. A daughter.
A treasure of heaven.

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