Love Is A Person

We are broken, you and I.
Separated from our Source,
Yet yearning for it. 
Trying to find the real deal,
Yet told daily that the real deal doesn't exist.
When He does. 
From day one, from the first day
Of Separation
We were told
You and I
That the natural state is 

And our fathers
And forefathers
And those all before
And about us:
They were all told the same.
That love is a feeling
That love is something we can't pin down
That it bends and warps 
Depending on its opportunity.

We were never told
That love is a person
That love is found in our Source.
That the reason why we're here
The reason why we breathe another day
Is because of Love.

Every aspect of our being is relational
Yet we aspire for the recreational
Until we're wrecked and irrational.

And then the quiet voice of Love says
"Greater love have no man than this
That He lay down His life for a friend."
The quiet voice of Love says "friend" 
To the very one that exchanged Him 
For thirty pieces of silver,
Even as he betrayed Him with a kiss.

Let's get back to relational
To the Source of love.
We're so hurt, so bruised,
So tormented by falsity
That when Truth knocks
At the door of our heart
We say "tell the man at the door I'm not here."
As if the man at the door is there
To sell cheap chocolates
Instead of eternity with Him.

You see
It's not time.
It's not infinity
Between A to B

It's love and unity
It's connection
It's relation.
It's reconciliation
It's the hope that our moments
Are forevermore uninterrupted 
By hurt
It's also a promise.

It's a promise from Love.

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