The Salvation of Simple Living

I realised the other day how important it is to constantly change your view of the world. Because as soon as we feel stuck, simply removing ourselves from a situation is of the utmost importance. We're greedy in a lot of senses, but wanting to experience new things should never qualify as a symptom of greed. It is a treatment for greed. Because when you become comfortable in a situation, and want more of it, that is what unravels you and restricts you further. 

So for me, going home to my mum last week freed me from a place I was in mentally, physically and emotionally that was keeping me from understanding a lot of the wider situation around me. It was the simple acts of making her dinner, of showing her how to play her Percy Sledge CD in her new speaker system, watching the sun rise in bed with her or counting the stars late at night. It was all these things. Things that I never really take the time to do myself - creating moments by simply living.

I'm blessed to have a crazy mother who sings to me and offers to wash my back when I'm in the bath even though I am 23 instead of 3. Her care and love is unconditional. Absolutely unconditional. She has so little, expects so little, yet gives so much. She gave me life, and continues to do so. 

Take me to an empty beach on a cool autumn afternoon and watch me become myself again. It's the simple things. Precious. Dear. And so often forgotten.

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