Bon voyage

I'm sitting here in a dull lit lounge room munching nonchalantly on my last Parisian baguette, thinking of how this final day in Paris has panned out for me. Originally, I was a but bummed by the weather - no sunshine, pissy little showers here and there, and a rude wind blowing across the river where I walked. Then, my camera's SD card ran out of space and I was like "come on, mate, seriously?". I was, however, persistent, and begrudgingly wandered over to Les Halles and grabbed a new one from Fnac before again venturing out. I made it as far as Notre Dame when the heavens opened and store fronts closed - I was stuck out in the rain with countless tourists and felt completely put out. Grumpy cat face on, I perched myself under the small awning of Shakespeare & Company - normally a shelter for my desire to disappear and read, the place had become a literal shelter for myself and so many others. We all stood as rain bucketed down, cramped and completely disrespecting each other's personal space - and smiling and giggling. None of us were from the same country and it was just one of those moments when you are completely different, and yet harmonious with strangers. And not because you're being dichotomised between tourist and not, but because you share this precise moment of human experience.

It finally fizzled out, and out came the sun, summoning the people to also come out from their little burrows. I stopped at little book stores, sampled chocolate in St Michel and eventually made my way up to Canal St Martin for a late lunch (breakfast) with a few of my favourite left over people. They were virgins to the Holybelly experience, and so I made it an absolute imperative that we all met there for "the last supper". As always, once the meal arrived, Johann was absolutely silent and demolishing his plate whilst Andrew and I chatted about black pudding and the godlike status of bacon. Kristiana showed up angry with her lack of directional skills and we all sat with our third coffees and brownies, sharing stories and our backgrounds and talking nonsense as per usual. It's how I prefer to spend all my time. With friends, with food, with quelque chose à boire, with nonsense conversation and with the best boogie music and familiar faces serving you. Andrew and I danced our way out the café after paying for the bill and we all headed to have a cheeky look at the canal before we would all separate at Gare de l'Est for our respective destinations. But again, the heavens opened, and just as the sun began to burrow at the end of long boulevards into the ground, a magnificent display of torrential rain and confused hail (AND A DOUBLE RAINBOW!) decided to hit us. I hitched my pants back over my post-food full tummy and we all made a run for it. Again, Paris wasn't letting me get away easy. But it made whatever today was completely memorable. 

Bisous good bye to Andrew and Johann were exchanged and then suddenly I was alone with Kristiana - 100% drenched in rain and in emotions. (How cheesy??!?!). I was confused - how did the last 5 months pass? The last 7 months since I was last in Australia? The last 11 months since I first set foot in Europe with the dream of living here but only one week's accommodation and a backpack? The last 13 months since I left Newcastle and packed up my entire life that had been the only thing I had truly known? I just don't even know. I am a few kilos heavier and a thousand times more wise than I was at the beginning of 2013 and now a new adventure begins. And, the three people I spent the afternoon are just a tiny part of the great menagerie of relationships I have had here and will continue to have. Europe, you've allowed me to meet and befriend such top-quality people and I go back to Australia now with an open mind, heart, and a soulful desire for daily adventure thanks to those who I have managed to share you with. Cheers mate.

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