Sulky Sundays

It goes without saying that Sundays have a real place in my heart that I doubt will ever be replaced by anything in this world. I love my lie in. My no-pants no-commitments approach to the day features prominently (and if I had it my way all the time these two very important characteristics of a Sunday would be all day urrr day), and there is this feeling of "fuck priorities" over just about everything. 

Today was particularly and unintentionally special. Jordan is here to stay from Munich - Paris her last final 'hurrah' before she heads home to Australia - and we are pushing the regular tourist list of do's aside for the less-visited but far more memorable indulgences this city has to offer. Tiny hidden cafés, endless creperies, projectile-elbow dancing in the club with all our French boyfriends, finding hedges to fall asleep behind beside the louvre, photo booth mishaps, vintage fur coat pimp-daddy Polaroids, and basically deciding the entire course of our days based solely on what we next wanted to eat and where. Today was no different. We started off late with a gorgeous petit dejeuner at Café Pinson, wandered around Republique and up to Belleville and Buttes Chaumont before retiring to my apartment to eat Thai curry and watch Crossroads. 

We then began Sunday 2.0 with an adventure to Le Brady - a tiny unsuspecting Theatre and Cinema where we, along with 20 others in a tiny cinema, would be whisked away by the gorgeous belated-coming-of-age tale of 'Frances Ha' with Greta Gerwig. It is an absolute must-see - so completely relatable for the 'indatable' of us quirky kooky girls in society. It was a perfect escape from a slow, sulky, rain-saturated Sunday and Jord and I left feeling elated and ready for anything. 

Anything turned out to be a Chocolat Viennois at Café des Deux Moulins under the reddish-pink tinge of the lighting as the rain poured unforgivingly alongside. Montmartre is stunning as day turns to night and the walk home was the perfect end to the old-days feel of our adventure.

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