The "Love Wins" Ultimatum

An ‘impersonal God’ – well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads – better still. A formless life-force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap – best of all. But God Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps approaching at an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband – that is quite another matter. … 
There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion (‘Man’s search for God!’) suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us!"

CS Lewis said many things in his exploration of the human conception of God, but one has never been so true and vivid in my experience personally and observed in others as this statement above.

Supposing the God of the bible, but more importantly, the God of the bible whose laws were actually for our best interest and His desires for us as His crown creation, were true. I see countless people shudder. And why? Because inherently we're married to the idea that we're right. 

We're married to the idea that God can't be infinitely loving because it would ruin our whole conception of God being imperfect as we are. We would be unable to romanticise our fallen nature any longer. We'd suddenly be expected to respond to this infinite love. We'd suddenly have the uncomfortable desire to have it mirrored in us, coupled with the co-dependent relationship we have with our faulty presuppositions that temporally suit us but eternally damn us. 

Are you afraid of being wrong? 
Are you afraid of the reality that Love wins, and that your best bet is to be on the side of love to experience this conquering over darkness?
Are you afraid to grieve the loss of cherished darkness in exchange for blessed hope and an eternity of unmatched light?

I want to challenge you. 
This God of the bible - He matters. But more importantly He says this:

You matter.

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