His Purpose

God is not here to oppress. He is here to impress. Not to offend but to defend. Not to bring tears but to calm fears. Not to insult but consult. Not to maim smarts but to tame hearts. Not to rearrange you but to change you. Not to fine you but to refine you. Not to cause hurt but heal it. To restrain the things that restrain you. Not to take freedom away but to open our eyes to the freedom He gives. Not to win you over for the sake of His own pride, but rather to have you, His cherished child, by His side. He turns the ephemeral into the eternal. Will not accept any less of you simply because He made you, instilled in you the capacity to trust Him, and to trust Him as He, like a potter moulding clay, reshapes into our originally planned sinless selves, so that when we meet Him we do feel no guilt, but feel deserving, because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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