Kirkstall Abbey

What fascinates me more than anything about the United Kingdom is its incredible history. Just the sheer mount of time that has passed and how there are remnants of civilisation dotted all over it. The National Trust have a lot of work on their hands! In Leeds, there are blue circular signs throughout the city, signifying different historical moments, old buildings, birth and death places of (in)famous souls that have left a mark on society in some way or another. It is also home to Kirkstall Abbey in the south of the city. A month ago (I am so lazy with this blogging business!), Holly, Angus and I trekked out there to check it out, have a picnic, be tourists etc etc. We were left with impressions of the amazing size of the place, it's empty and roofless halls and walkways, the dilapidated ruins and the stones that could tell a million stories. 

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