Y a r d S a l e

I've recently moved. Once again. I am nomadic, and slightly proud of it. Because I refuse to get stuck.
The choice was not because my current living situation was terrible. In fact, it was perfect. But I just get itchy feet, it's my downfall. I need novelty in a way that material things cannot fulfil, but instead experiences and movement does.

I've travelled up and down New South Wales' coast the past month, completing law courses up north, visiting festivals, flying with my mum and coast hopping, following the swell and the sea. It's been a blessing.

Now that I'm back in Newcastle, and I've moved again, I decided it was time to rid myself of a lot of things that weighed me down and did not fulfil my every day life. My friend was moving to Sydney after being offered a job, and so we decided together to have a yard sale in his front yard up the road from our favourite café, Baked Uprising, in Maryville.

Whilst the crowds weren't many, the chill was plenty. We made a little bit of summer pocket money, sat and ate fresh grapes and pretzels and drank coffee, tagging out to pop into the café for refills. It was a scorching summer day in the sun and $70 later I was pretty content with the result, and the company.

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