Sunday roast and all the Christmas trimmings.

This weekend was meant to be a sober weekend.


Two big nights and 4 hours of sleep the entire time left me hankering for good food and chill sessions with friends and what a perfect way to obtain this level of contentment - sunday roast lunch at an English pub with all the things you would expect from a hangover pub feed.

Roast beef
Yorkshire pudding (I take it back, Johann, I now understand the value of the wondrous invention of your people)

Pots of tea, desserts, coaster flipping, a bunch of english speakers getting together and rambling on absolute nonsense for hours and at the end satisfaction that they could achieve all the above after being completely wrecked from the night before.

There is something truly gratifying about pulling yourself out of bed and actually doing something with a day that really was doomed before your pre drinks the night before even began.

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