A Love Letter to the Entitled Brats of Christendom

To my dear church community, and to all believers in Jesus Christ,

I've think we as humans have got it all wrong when we see God putting some boundaries in place as negative limitations. 

We've got it all wrong because we don't understand our purpose. Our calling.

Humans chase after all of the things that God is actually wanting us to steward properly to achieve our true purpose. 

We gush and gloat over romance, sex and relationships, when God is calling us to experience these as methods to experience fervent intimacy and vulnerability with Him and one another. 

We chase after money rather than using money as a means to chase after the lost, the fallen, the broken - to chase them to the far reaches of hidden alleys and forgotten suburbs that sit right under our noses. To chase them and then find them and then sit with them and then feed them and then encourage them and then bring them alongside us, experiencing fervent intimacy and vulnerability with them.

We want power and status and go crazy in the selfish chase for these rather than seeing these very two things as a tool to instruct and guide the powerless towards freedom and liberty, and to mingle with those trapped in the woo and charm of power and status that, like Solomon said, is all vanity and nothing new under the sun. 

What we see as our goals for life, our reasons for being, our manufactured meaning are actually all tools that God hands prudently to us, seeking for us to utilise them with humility in pursuit of something much greater: other-centred love.

Imagine if the age-old pedestal goal of marriage, a family, and kids was no longer your end game. Imagine if these things, these blessings, were carefully stewarded to bless your neighbour, to love your enemy, to model a submission to the beauty and grace and goodness of God.

These are not your prizes for living life to a certain standard. God will often withhold or give these things to you not based on your performance or "righteousness", He gives them and withholds them from you to grow you so that in turn you may encourage and assist others to grow. 

So stop being selfish or entitled about what you should or shouldn't have at this point in your life and go out there and centre your life on other-centred love. Whatever God wants to bless you with is for the sake of an on-flow whereby you bless others. Abraham was blessed to be a blessing, and as Ben Harper famously sings, we are blessed to be witnesses of the blessings God bestows. It's a lucky dip blessing system though, so don't come to God with a list of expectations from Him. Expect nothing of what you expect except His providence and showering of His prescribed blessings for you. He knows what you need, what others need through you, and will not withhold any good gift.

So get out there.
Get out there and AGAPE.

xx Ruth

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