My faithful companion

Whenever I submit an assessment item, I always come here. To write.

You'd think, after days of research and writing, I'd want a break! But to finally write my point of view on the world without having to back my opinions up with psychoanalytical publications and fact sheets is such a creative blessing I come rushing over to my blog to verbally vomit even more.

I began this page in 2010 - the content is bizarre and ranges from trivial to heart-pouringly sentimental and it's a reflection of what I have become. More poetic and real than what my Facebook memories suggest: it's where I've always gone post life-moment and here I am again.

Who would have thought God had in store a gradual revelation of His true character to me over all these years, and that I was subconsciously documenting it through my blogging adventures. I read back over the entries now filled with a sense of awe - little snippets of His love, His providence, His gentle wooing are evident in the words and images thrown upon the screen. He wanted me to create, so that I could sense His creative power. He wanted me to know Him by enjoying what it is to be made in the image and likeness of Him.

How incredible.

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