Walking towards your happiness.

Yesterday I took a stand, I moved in a direction that I knew I had to head in but was fearful of the risks. And upon getting home, I was rifling through some old paperwork from Paris and came across a card I had received by the project "Lettres d'un inconnu". It stated:

René Char: "Impose ta chance, serre ton bonheur. et va vers ton risque. À te regarder, ils s'habitueront."

Me: "Well, shit."

Essentially, it translates to "Impose your good fortune, stay close to your happiness, and walk towards  your risk. Watching you, they will get used to it."

Further simplified, it states to live life fully, take risks, and be an example to others. This hit hard to home. I am so wrapped up in the wadding of a flowing income, and of the "expected lifestyle" of a student, that I have neglected entirely the whole sense of freedom I reaped from packing it all up two years ago to travel the world solo. Without knowing it, I was living by this phrase. And now it's time to apply it again to a life that is steeped in routine and deadlines and working for the man. I want to work towards my passions and passionately work and fuel the fire for my future. I want to stay close to my happiness in every waking moment. 

It's not an easy feat. But, it goes hand in hand with the prayer of serenity by Reinhold Niebuhr which asks: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." What has struck me recently is this third element. I have become, over time, wise enough to know that there are things I can and must change. And with a dash of courage also, I am now on that path. 

Maybe we should all approach the next decisions we make and the thoughts that consume us with these soul-shaking words. And allow them to shake our souls. 

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